Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Somehow down at 8:00/mile

Tokyo, Week 3, Day 3; 4 miles, 8:03/mile.
Tokyo, Week 3, Day 4; 3 miles, 8:44/mile.

So Wednesdays are supposed to be a slightly quicker pace, so I decided to measure that by running just quickly enough so that I wouldn't be able to talk easily. Somehow that got me to do my fastest pace thus far: 8:03/mile. That makes me wonder if I could have ran the race on Sunday faster than I did (probably), or whether I was running slower than I should have when I ran 6 miles at a 9:53 pace 9 days ago. I'm also kind of wondering if I'm dropping my pace too quickly, but I suppose I'll just listen to my body to see if that's the case.

Today was another easy 3 miler, and I ran it at exactly the same pace as a I ran on Tuesday, despite feeling a little tired and sore. Looking forward to the day off tomorrow.

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