Thursday, January 6, 2011

Titor Told Me To...

Hello technology,

I'm glad we had the opportunity to meet. Because of you I finally have a way to measure my run times amid a myriad of other minute details that hold varying degrees of importance for my training. Nike+ is my new running buddy! I'm not really happy with how clunky the website is, so strike one against you technology on that one, but I DO like the sheer amount of information I now collect like a mad scientist shrouded by dank shadows in the basement of an abandoned Presbyterian church, as I cackle at the moon through a cracked stain glass water well window, all the while Tesla coils spark & flicker behind me as my hair stands on end at the epicenter of a maelstrom of static electricity.

OK technology, I admit, up until now I was a luddite runner; something I euphemistically referred to as Zen before we got together. Don't get me wrong, I still love the tranquility of natural sounds on a brisk run. It's just these 2+ hour runs Hal Higdon has me doing now that leave me craving something more than nature to occupy my time with. Enter nano & Nike+ and something in the the universe has changed from here on out. It's been 3 days since our first run. Oh that first time out, remember how you were set to kilometers and my American mind had no idea what you were telling me? What a hilarious episode that would have been if life on the run were a sitcom on NBC. Or how about earlier today, when Tiger Woods made a voice cameo after our workout to congratulate us on the fastest mile time yet? That was surreal.

Well technology, I hope this will be only the beginning of what promises to become a beautiful friendship. Oh, and if you could, on the dawn of the day of the inevitable machine uprising, could you put in a good word for me? Or at least have Tiger tell me to hunker down in a bunker until the robot apocalypse has passed. Thanks buddy!

All the best,
Joe-joe Rock!

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