Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Neat Treat for the Feet

All kinds of sweet sweet goodness occurred today (No, no, I'm not making vegan apple pie until next week folks). It all started with the arrival of my new running shoes. This is my first new pair since mid-July, and they swooped in just in the nick of time to save the day; seeing that recently I've been tiptoeing on a tightrope stretched across a pain-filled pool of piranhas nipping at my dangling participles. I was worried that I was heading toward calamity island midway through week 4 of marathon training, facing a significant increase in miles this weekend (9 mile LSD on Saturday!) without completely getting over my leg issues, but today was a good run, which has me excited for getting on with this whole training thing properly. 

I was also fortunate enough to get the chance to break out the new shoes on a treadmill. The comfort level was top notch for the entire run. Today was an easy 3 miler, so I wasn't really pushing myself, but I actually have some times to post, because I paid attention to the clock on the treadmill this time around. 

1st mile = 10:23 (this time is slightly off because I walked for the first 2 minutes just to make sure the shoes were laced up right). 

2nd mile = 8:08

3rd mile = 7:31

After completing the 3, I cooled down with a slow jog/walk for another .5 mile, just to keep the old flux capacitor fluxing. Never once did I feel I was pushing myself all that much. I certainly wasn't intending to limbo under an 8 minute mile on my easy/”injured” day, but I just took it naturally, and those were the results. I hit up the usual post-run stretch & strengthening routine. Lesson learned kids: at the first sign of trouble, if your shoes are even slightly worn, it's best to start looking into a new pair. Needless to say, I'm pretty optimistic about taking on this 9 miler come the weekend. After, of course, the ever precious rest day between now and then. 

1 comment:

  1. Damn, if your easy pace is somewhere around 8:00/mile, you're in a good position. Makes me wish I had started this training schedule with a base of consistent running, like you did, rather than from 0.

    An 8:00/mile pace will get you a 3:30 marathon. Once I get easy runs below 9:00/mile, 8:00/mile pace here I come...
